Tuesday, 22 December 2009

It's been a good year for...

It's been a good year for...

Candi Staton
(The one who sang You Got The Love)
Who hasn't covered this? With Kasabin, The xx and, most notably, Florence covering this in one way or another, i can imagine its going to be a pleasant christmas in the Staton household, as she goes skipping down to her local building society with a lovely royalty cheque.

The Other One from Pet Shop Boys
A Brit award, a Brit performance, a comeback album and a christmas song. Not bad considering all he does is stand behind a keyboard and flap.

Calvin Harris
Since he was a young boy, he's always wanted to appear on television, with a fruit.

Josh Homme
He just wants to do everything, doesn't he? Produced a hit record, formed a geriatric supergroup and i hear he is now just putting the finishing touches to "Queens of the Stone Age the Musical" (Starring Josh Home).

Kurt Cobain
Considering he's been dead for over 10 years, he's not done bad by bringing out a new DVD. A live performance at that. Celebs, they'll do anything for fame.

HOWEVER, it has not been a good year for all.

It's been a bad year for...

Beardy-Keyboardist from Oasis
Someone took his band away from him and he's not sure where it is.


Simon Cowell

Merry Christmas.

Saturday, 12 December 2009

I owe this to myself

Ok, i give in. Ill regret it if, in a few years time, i didn't do an end of decade top something-or-other. So heres a brief one of 2009 at least...

10. Discover - LP
The talented one out of Vampire Weekend, the keyboardist - naturally, and a mate wrote this just to prove they were not just preppy college kids just playing barre chords. So, inbetween barre chording, in the mean streets of NY, they created this. Just imagine a brand of 'poppy' RnB, but good?

9. Graham Coxon - The Spinning Top
While the others were busy writing songs for animated asian-looking characters, trying to be politicians, or simply making cheese, Coxon owed it to himself and Blur to remain a little bit sensible and write something genuinely good. Telling the life story of a man, birth through to death, its an interesting concept and he pulls it off well. I also have to write a composition on 'birth, life and death' so thanks for the inspiration 'Gra'.

8. Jamie T - Kings 'n' Queens
Woah, Jamie T - he's cool isn't he? He's probably the kind of guy who stands up on buses and doesn't hold on. Yeah, Jamie T - he's cool. The album? - Yeah, it's cool.

7. Franz Ferdinand - Tonight
Come on, write something with a bit more energy next time - do something new, in the meantime, 'Ulysses' is an excellent song. Not as good as the previous albums but still 'alright'. They could do with being a bit more cooler though. Mr Treays?

6. Noah and The Whale - The First Days of Spring
The title track simply encapsulates this. Written after splitting up with Laura Marling, his girlfriend, Charlie Fink takes all of that emotion and writes a fantastic, string-saturated album filled with feeling. Thus proving that the 'difficult' second album doesn't have to be so difficult with the right material, and a band that will do anything you say..

5. The Cribs - Ignore The Ignorant
Crap title, good album. I prefer it that way. All of Razorlight's have good album titles... I digress. Bringing in a new, non-related, member of the band in Johnny Marr proved not to be a krass, pathetic attempt at being 'mainstream' but was quite worthwhile after all. It was a splendid attempt, and, although too many of the songs have blatant 'The Smiths' intros, an extra guitar seems to have come in handy.

4. Calvin Harris - Ready For The Weekend
Oh Lord, its not a band with guitars. Crucify him from a generally indie-laden list. He's bloody awesome. Fantastic live, he brings it all together for this album. Yes, he's a complete idiot, but at least he writes good music as well (I hope you're reading, Ian Brown).

3. Bombay Bicycle Club- I Had The Blues But I Shook Them Loose
That took too much effort to write out the title, let alone a review. They hate their band name but probably like their music, otherwise they should probably reconsider doing what they're doing. Not to be confused with bike riding Indians, the band take a step forward, after finishing school, and string together some wholesome-sounding songs. Bright things to come.

2. Kasabian - West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum
Frankly, they deserve this for the album name alone. Already writing album number four, Kasabian proved they are now the biggest band in Britain with a psychedelic trip filled with arrogance, a retro-feel, and quality songwriting from Pizzorno. And a brief appearance of Noel the Impaler.

1. Humbug - Arctic Monkeys
I don't need to go into too much detail here, I've already got a review of this. But its good, very good, and Turner's grown up - which is condescendingly patronising, i know, coming from a student. Had it been released a few years ago it could make it's way into my top albums of the decade, but it's release being so close to the end of the decade would make it's appearance less outstanding.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Top Five Artists of 2010

Caught you out a teeny tiny bit there didn't i? Yes, after reading many "Top Ten Albums of 2009" (some of which are good, yes) I thought I'd snazz it up a tad.

Now I'm no 'Indie Kid' - I look rediculous wearing sunglasses and I'd probably make Phil Jupitus look good wearing skinny jeans - but here's my top five for two thousand and ten:

5. Wolf Gang
I first heard "King and All of His Men" on NME and thought he was a cross between Ewan McGregor and a modest Robbie Williams (the latter of which I'm aware is an oxymoron). A strong pop act with solid songs to match, if he gets the air play then he's there..

4. Soft Toy Emergency
These guys have got it all: the look, the tunes and the performance. With sessions at the BBC and an album in the making, we can expect to see these break through any time soon

3. The Drums
Who hasn't tipped these for big things? But it's true, the snowball of followers is getting bigger and bigger, and moving faster and faster, and if they keep writing sounds like 'Let's Go Surfing' then they're sure to hit the big time

2. Kasabian
Kasabian? - i hear you question - but they've already released their album? - i hear you answer. Yes, but you wait until they headline everything going next summer and properly replace Oasis as the biggest band in Britain

1. Noel Gallgher
Forget Liam's attempt at Oasis Part Two, Oasis's main songwriter is due an album next year and, given over 15 years experience writing top quality tunes for Oasis, we can expect nothing less than top quality tunes for himself. With this, Noel will earn himself a place with the true British greats of songwriting: Lennon & McCartney, David Bowie, Elton John, and, the great, Andy Abrahams.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Intuition Onlineee

Good news!
My first proper I've-not-published-this-myself post took to the internet this month (December) courtesy of intuition-online.co.uk. Nothing spectacular but a teeny tiny review on Yves Klein Blue.

i need more followers, invite your friends and their friends and their friends.
